' . $text . '

'; } /** * This function is automatically called by PHP when an undefined class is * called. * * A file with the classname followed by .php is included to load the class. * The class should start with an upper-case letter with each new word also in * upper-case. The filename must match the class name (including case). * * @param string $class The name of the undefined class */ function __autoload($class) { if ($class != 'self') { $file = PATH_TO_CLASSES . $class . '.php'; /** Try to load the class file. */ if (!@include_once($file)) { die(simple_display('Error including file ' . htmlentities($file) . ' - cannot load class.')); } } } /** * This is used to report a fatal error that we cannot display with the Display * class. All Exceptions used in AutoIndex should inherit from this class. * * @package AutoIndex */ class ExceptionFatal extends Exception {} try { //now we need to include either the stored settings, or the config generator: if (@is_file(CONFIG_STORED)) { if (!@is_readable(CONFIG_STORED)) { throw new ExceptionFatal('Make sure PHP has permission to read the file ' . Url::html_output(CONFIG_STORED) . ''); } $config = new ConfigData(CONFIG_STORED); } else if (@is_file(CONFIG_GENERATOR)) { /** Include the config generator so a new config file can be created. */ if (!@include_once(CONFIG_GENERATOR)) { throw new ExceptionFatal('Error including file ' . Url::html_output(CONFIG_GENERATOR) . ''); } die(); } else { throw new ExceptionFatal('Neither ' . Url::html_output(CONFIG_GENERATOR) . ' nor ' . Url::html_output(CONFIG_STORED) . ' could be found.'); } //find and store the user's IP address and hostname: $ip = (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : 'N/A'); if (isset($_SESSION['host'])) { $host = $_SESSION['host']; } else { $_SESSION['host'] = $host = @gethostbyaddr($ip); } //Create a language object: $words = new Language(); //Create a logging object: $log = new Logging($config -> __get('log_file')); foreach ($config as $key => $item) /* Go through each config setting, and set a constant with each setting's * name to either true or false depending on if the config setting is * enabled. */ { $key = strtoupper($key); if (defined($key)) { throw new ExceptionFatal(Url::html_output($key) . ' is already defined in ' . basename(Url::html_output($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) . ', and should not be in the config file.'); } define($key, ($item != 'false' && $item != '0')); } //make sure all required settings are set in the config file foreach (array('base_dir', 'icon_path', 'language', 'template', 'log_file', 'description_file', 'user_list', 'download_count', 'hidden_files', 'banned_list', 'show_dir_size', 'use_login_system', 'force_download', 'search_enabled', 'anti_leech', 'entries_per_page', 'must_login_to_download', 'archive', 'days_new', 'thumbnail_height', 'bandwidth_limit', 'md5_show', 'parse_htaccess') as $set) { if (!defined(strtoupper($set))) { throw new ExceptionFatal('Required setting ' . $set . ' is not set in ' . Url::html_output(CONFIG_STORED) . ''); } } /* From this point on, we can throw ExceptionDisplay rather than * Exception since all the configuration is done. */ $b_list = $only_these_ips = $banned_ips = array(); if (BANNED_LIST && @is_file($config -> __get('banned_list'))) //make sure the user is not banned { $b_list = @file($config -> __get('banned_list')); if ($b_list === false) { throw new ExceptionDisplay('Error reading from banned_list file.'); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($b_list); $i++) { $b_list[$i] = rtrim($b_list[$i], "\r\n"); if (ConfigData::line_is_comment($b_list[$i])) { continue; } if ($b_list[$i]{0} === ':') { $only_these_ips[] = substr($b_list[$i], 1); } else { $banned_ips[] = $b_list[$i]; } } if (count($only_these_ips) > 0) { if (!(DirectoryList::match_in_array($ip, $only_these_ips) || DirectoryList::match_in_array($host, $only_these_ips))) { throw new ExceptionDisplay($words -> __get('the administrator has blocked your ip address or hostname') . '.'); } } else if (DirectoryList::match_in_array($ip, $banned_ips) || DirectoryList::match_in_array($host, $banned_ips)) { throw new ExceptionDisplay($words -> __get('the administrator has blocked your ip address or hostname') . '.'); } } $show_only_these_files = $hidden_files = array(); if (HIDDEN_FILES && @is_file($config -> __get('hidden_files'))) //store the hidden file list in $hidden_list { $hidden_list = @file($config -> __get('hidden_files')); if ($hidden_list === false) { throw new ExceptionDisplay('Error reading from "hidden_files" file.'); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($hidden_list); $i++) { $hidden_list[$i] = rtrim($hidden_list[$i], "\r\n"); if (ConfigData::line_is_comment($hidden_list[$i])) { continue; } if ($hidden_list[$i]{0} === ':') { $show_only_these_files[] = substr($hidden_list[$i], 1); } else { $hidden_files[] = $hidden_list[$i]; } } } //size of the "chunks" that are read at a time from the file (when $force_download is on) $speed = (BANDWIDTH_LIMIT ? $config -> __get('bandwidth_limit') : 8); if (DOWNLOAD_COUNT) { if (!@is_file($config -> __get('download_count'))) { $h = @fopen($config -> __get('download_count'), 'wb'); if ($h === false) { throw new ExceptionDisplay('Could not open download count file for writing.' . ' Make sure PHP has write permission to this file.'); } fclose($h); } $downloads = new ConfigData($config -> __get('download_count')); } //create a user object: $log_login = false; if (USE_LOGIN_SYSTEM && isset($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']) && $_POST['username'] != '' && $_POST['password'] != '') { $you = new UserLoggedIn($_POST['username'], sha1($_POST['password'])); $log_login = true; $_SESSION['password'] = sha1($_POST['password']); unset($_POST['password']); $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username']; } else if (USE_LOGIN_SYSTEM && isset($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password'])) { $you = new UserLoggedIn($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password']); } else { $you = new User(); if (MUST_LOGIN_TO_DOWNLOAD && USE_LOGIN_SYSTEM) { $str = '

You must login to view and download files.

' . '' . '
' . $you -> login_box() . '
'; echo new Display($str); die(); } } //set the logged in user's home directory: $dir = Item::make_sure_slash((($you -> home_dir == '') ? $config -> __get('base_dir') : $you -> home_dir)); $config -> set('base_dir', $dir); $subdir = ''; if (isset($_GET['dir'])) { $dir .= Url::clean_input($_GET['dir']); $dir = Item::make_sure_slash($dir); if (!@is_dir($dir)) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); $_GET['dir'] = ''; //so the "continue" link will work throw new ExceptionDisplay('The directory ' . Url::html_output($dir) . ' does not exist.'); } $subdir = substr($dir, strlen($config -> __get('base_dir'))); if (isset($_GET['file']) && ($file = $_GET['file'])) { while (preg_match('#\\\\|/$#', $file)) //remove all slashes from the end of the name { $file = substr($file, 0, -1); } $file = Url::clean_input($file); if (!@is_file($dir . $file)) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); throw new ExceptionDisplay('The file ' . Url::html_output($file) . ' does not exist.'); } if (ANTI_LEECH && !isset($_SESSION['ref']) && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) === false)) { $log -> add_entry('Leech Attempt'); $self = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . Url::html_output($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?dir=' . Url::translate_uri($subdir); throw new ExceptionDisplay('

This PHP Script has an Anti-Leech feature turned on.

' . '

Make sure you are accessing this file directly from http://' . $self . '

'); } $log -> add_entry($file); if (DOWNLOAD_COUNT) { $downloads -> add_one($dir . $file); } $url = new Url($dir . $file, true); $url -> download(); } } if ($log_login) { $log -> add_entry('Successful login (Username: ' . $_SESSION['username'] . ')'); } if (DESCRIPTION_FILE) { $descriptions = new ConfigData((@is_file($config -> __get('description_file'))) ? $config -> __get('description_file') : false); } if (PARSE_HTACCESS) { //parse .htaccess file(s) new Htaccess($dir, '.htaccess'); } if (MD5_SHOW && isset($_GET['md5']) && $_GET['md5'] != '') { $file = $dir . Url::clean_input($_GET['md5']); if (!@is_file($file)) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); throw new ExceptionDisplay('Cannot calculate md5sum: the file ' . Url::html_output($file) . ' does not exist.'); } $size = (int)@filesize($file); if ($size <= 0 || $size / 1048576 > $config -> __get('md5_show')) { throw new ExceptionDisplay('Empty file, or file too big to calculate the' . 'md5sum of (according to the $md5_show variable).'); } die(simple_display(md5_file($file), 'md5sum of ' . Url::html_output($file))); } if (THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT && isset($_GET['thumbnail'])) { $fn = Url::clean_input($_GET['thumbnail']); if ($fn == '') { die(); } echo new Image($fn); } if (ARCHIVE && isset($_GET['archive'])) { $log -> add_entry('Directory archived'); $outfile = Item::get_basename($subdir); if ($outfile == '' || $outfile == '.') { $outfile = 'base_dir'; } $mime = new MimeType('.tar'); header('Content-Type: ' . $mime -> __toString()); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $outfile . '.tar"'); @set_time_limit(0); $list = new DirectoryList($dir); $tar = new Tar($list, $outfile, strlen($dir)); die(); } //set the sorting mode: if (isset($_GET['sort']) && $_GET['sort'] != '') { $_SESSION['sort'] = $_GET['sort']; } else if (!isset($_SESSION['sort'])) { $_SESSION['sort'] = 'filename'; //default sort mode } //set the sorting order: if (isset($_GET['sort_mode']) && ($_GET['sort_mode'] == 'a' || $_GET['sort_mode'] == 'd')) { $_SESSION['sort_mode'] = $_GET['sort_mode']; } else if (!isset($_SESSION['sort_mode'])) { $_SESSION['sort_mode'] = 'a'; //default sort order } if (count($_FILES) > 0) //deal with any request to upload files: { $upload = new Upload($you); //the constructor checks if you have permission to upload $upload -> do_upload(); } if (USE_LOGIN_SYSTEM) { if (isset($_GET['logout']) && $_GET['logout'] == 'true') { $you -> logout(); } else if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] != '') { $admin = new Admin($you); //the constructor checks if you really are an admin $admin -> action($_GET['action']); } } if (ANTI_LEECH && !isset($_SESSION['ref'])) { $_SESSION['ref'] = true; } $search_log = ''; if (SEARCH_ENABLED && isset($_GET['search'], $_GET['search_mode']) && $_GET['search'] != '' && $_GET['search_mode'] != '') { $s = Url::clean_input($_GET['search']); $dir_list = new Search($s, $dir, $_GET['search_mode']); $search_log = "Search: $s"; } else if (ENABLE_CACHE) { $cache = CACHE_STORAGE_DIR . strtr($dir, '\/:', '---'); //path to cache file if (@is_file($cache)) { $contents = @file_get_contents($cache); if ($contents === false) { throw new ExceptionDisplay('Cannot open cache file for reading. Make sure PHP has read permission for these files.'); } $dir_list = unserialize($contents); } else { $dir_list = new DirectoryListDetailed($dir); if (!@is_dir(CACHE_STORAGE_DIR)) { if (!Admin::mkdir_recursive(CACHE_STORAGE_DIR)) //Attempt to create the directory. If it fails, tell the user to manually make the folder. { throw new ExceptionDisplay('Please create the directory ' . Url::html_output(CACHE_STORAGE_DIR) . ' so cache files can be written.'); } } $h = @fopen($cache, 'wb'); if ($h === false) { throw new ExceptionDisplay('Cannot write to cache file. Make sure PHP has write permission in the cache directory.'); } fwrite($h, serialize($dir_list)); fclose($h); } } else { $page = ((ENTRIES_PER_PAGE && isset($_GET['page'])) ? (int)$_GET['page'] : 1); $dir_list = new DirectoryListDetailed($dir, $page); $max_page = (ENTRIES_PER_PAGE ? (ceil($dir_list -> total_items() / $config -> __get('entries_per_page'))) : 1); } $log -> add_entry($search_log); $str = $dir_list -> __toString(); echo new Display($str); } catch (ExceptionDisplay $e) { echo $e; } catch (Exception $e) { echo simple_display($e -> getMessage()); } ?>